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MPP Data collection

The questionnaire used in the baseline surveys has changed several times over the years. In total there are five different versions. These questionnaires were also used by individuals who participated in repeated surveys during the years 1974-1992. Information on socio-economics, education, occupation, economy, etc. from Population and Housing Census (Folk- och Bostadsräkningar, FoB) 1960-1990, ha - 2025-03-11

Malmö Preventive Project - MPP

In 1974, a primary preventive project started at the Medical Clinic, Umas (now Skåne University Hospital, Malmö), under the direction of Professor Bertil Hood. Malmö Preventive Project is a cohort study that in 1974 invited all men from specific birth cohorts (1921-1949) and some years later began to invite women (born 1926-1949). The purpose was to map cardiovascular risk factors and alcohol abus - 2025-03-11

MPP Follow-up

MPP is followed up annually against the National Swedish Cancer Register, the Regional Tumor Register in Lund, the Swedish Causes of Death Register, Statistics Sweden's Population Register to identify emigrants, the National Patient Register and local and national registers for stroke and heart attack. Every year we prepare endpoint reports for cancer and causes of death, cardiovascular events and - 2025-03-11

MPP References

Definition of the MPP cohortBerglund G, Nilsson P, Eriksson KF, Nilsson JA, Hedblad B, Kristenson H, Lindgärde F. Long-term outcome of the Malmö preventive project: mortality and cardiovascular morbidity. J Intern Med. 2000 Jan;247(1):19-29.    Link to article Nilsson PM, Nilsson JA, Berglund G. Population-attributable risk of coronary heart disease risk factors during long-term follow-up: the Mal - 2025-03-11

The Malmö Offspring Study - MOS

The Malmö Offspring Study is the first population study in Sweden that makes it possible to follow major endemic diseases over several generations. The focus is, but not limited to, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and cancer. Despite medical progress, everything points to the fact that endemic diseases will remain one of our greatest challenges in the future. By following trial p - 2025-03-11

Application for data and samples

MKC, MFM and MOS together, form a unique material from which significant research results in cancer, heart disease and diabetes, among others, has evolved.Three cohorts with significant importance for researchMalmö Diet and Cancer, MDC, and Malmö Preventive Project, MPP, have together examined around 50,000 Malmö residents. The surveys began in the 1970s and the re-surveys were completed in 2012. - 2025-03-11

Clinical Research Unit

Clinical Research Unit, Internal Medicine Malmö, Skåne University Hospital The Clinic Research Unit in Malmö is a core resource for patient-centred clinical research, primarily for internal medicine, but also for other departments within the hospital. The focus is on cardiovascular disease, lungs, and diabetes.Our expertise and resourcesAdvanced metabolic studiesUltrasound examinations of arteries - 2025-03-11

Management and contact information

Steering Committee - MDC/MPPProject descriptionMDC and MPP is an independent scientific project at Lund University that is jointly run by several research groups. MDC and MPP consist of databases and biobanks.A Steering Committee decides on and organizes the maintenance, expansion and extraction of data and samples. The work is coordinated by a chairman, but the project is based on joint decision- - 2025-03-11

Research result - Publications

The research conducted with the help of the Malmö cohorts has generated significant results over the years. Malmö Preventive Medicine has been running since 1971, Malmö Cost Cancer since 1991 and Malmö Offspring Study since 2013. In the last 12 years, 2012-2024, approx. 1200 scientific articles have been published where data from the Malmö cohorts have been used. Here we list the scientific public - 2025-03-11

For participants in the MOS study

Those who participate in the MOS study must undergo a number of examinations and make a diet registration. Information regarding this can be found in the Diet Registration Guide and the Portion Guide. Links to these can be found in the left menu. There is also a link to contact details and questions about diet registration. In the right-hand menu there is a link to a short film about how the diet - 2025-03-11

References - MOS

Since it was started in 2013, the Malmö Offspring Study has collected large amounts of data. Here we report the scientific articles that have been published together with links to the articles. 2024Holm H, Kennbäck C, Laucyte-Cibulskiene A, Nilsson PM, Jujic A. The impact of prediabetes and diabetes on endothelial function in a large population-based cohort. Blood Press. 2024 Dec;33(1):2298309. Li - 2025-03-11

Applying for samples - MDC and MPP

All researchers are welcome to apply for the samples of data and biological material. Our policy is that MDC/MPP should be considered an open resource. Since 2006, we have received more than 1,300 applications. Less than 25 have been rejected. Of these, several have been too broad and not specific enough, have overlapped with other projects, or touched on method development where prospectively col - 2025-03-11

Costs for extractions of samples and data - MDC and MPP

Initially, MDC was financed by the Cancer Foundation and MPP by the healthcare system in Malmö. Until 2005, we were able to provide samples and data extractions free of charge. Today, however, our operations must be revenue-financed.Our biggest expense is personnel costs. We have a full-time data manager and a full-time project coordinator. In case of large extractions, we also have to take help f - 2025-03-11

The Malmö Cohorts

Three major cohorts in the Malmö Cohorts The Malmö Diet and Cancer CohortThe Malmö Preventive ProjectThe Malmö Offspring StudyMalmö Diet and Cancer, MDC, and Malmö Preventive Project, MPP, have together examined 50 000 Malmö residents. The examinations began in the 1970s and the re-examinations were completed in 2021. The Malmö Offspring Study started in 2013 and examines the children and grandchi - 2025-03-11

Pågående undersökningar

På den här sidan hittar du bland annat information om pågående befolknings- och patientundersökningar knutna till LUPOP med möjlighet att begära utträde. För varje studie hittar du information om syftet med forskningen, vilka personuppgifter som behandlas samt kontaktuppgifter om du vill veta mer eller inte vill att dina uppgifter ska ingå i undersökningen.Pågående undersökningar med möjlighet att - 2025-03-11

Tillgång till vård när man har utvecklingsstörning

När man är sjuk behöver man ibland träffa en läkare. I Sverige ska alla personer ha lika stor rätt till att träffa läkare och få den vård och hjälp man behöver. I den här studien vill vi titta på om det är så - alltså om personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning får bra och rätt hjälp när de är sjuka eller har skadat sig. Hur går studien till?När man går till läkare på en vårdcentral eller e - 2025-03-11

Nya statistiska ansatser för att bedöma betydelsen av selektion och variation i befolkningsbaserade kohortundersökningar

Stora befolkningsundersökningar är en viktig källa till kunskap om hur exempelvis miljöfaktorer och levnadsvillkor påverkar hälsa och sjukdom. Låga deltagandefrekvenser i sådana undersökningar kan påverka giltigheten i forskningsresultaten, som också riskerar att förlora i värde om de inte återspeglar den mångfald som finns i befolkningen. Vårt projekt går ut på att studera hur personuppgifter häm - 2025-03-11

Registration: Methodological issues in epidemiology and population research

Fill out the form below to register for one or more of the seminars. Attendees registered for online participation will receive a Zoom link the day before the seminar. The seminars take place 13.00 -14.00. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank Lund Population Day A yearly full-day thematic, interdisciplinary conference organized by CED and LUPOP. LUP - 2025-03-11

Methodological issues in epidemiology and population research

A Tornblad/LUPOP seminar series Remember to register! If you have questions, please contact : Anton Nilsson (anton [dot] nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) Spring 2025All seminars take place at 13:00-14:00.Untangling the complexities: Methodological challenges in studying air pollution and health with a focus on correlated exposures* Anna Oudin, Lund University*CANCELLED! Seminar will be reschedu - 2025-03-11


General Data Protection Regulation As of May 25th, 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, in Swedish Dataskyddsförordningen) replaces the Swedish Personal Data Act (PuL 1998:204). On this page, you will be able to find links with information concerning GDPR and the transition from PuL as it relates to population research. The legal department at Lund University has collected in - 2025-03-11